Resources to examine our inherent bias, promote personal awareness, and help us build collections for our students that reflect themselves and the world around them.
A diversity audit is an inventory of a collection designed to measure the amount of diversity within the collection. It is a tool used to analyze collection data to make ensure we include a wide variety of points of view, experiences and representations within a collection. Reflective practitioners realize, now more than ever, it is critical to intentionally, and even aggressively, be working to diversify our collections.
Before starting a diversity audit, it's important to analyze the information currently available and to develop a plan for collecting the information that's not. Begin by answering the following questions:
How well do you know your community? Gather as much recent statistical and anecdotal data about the community you serve as you can.
Begin assessing for gaps. Use surveys, polls or other anecdotal data to gather information about your collection. What do you think is missing?
With the Teaching Books Collection Analysis Toolkit you can
Custom Reading Lists: Build a booklist! Create an interactive display of your books, filled with resources and a List Analysis Report. Up to 200 titles.
Collection Analysis Reports: Analyze your collection! Generate a List Analysis Report that examines the composition of your collection.
Up to 10,000 titles.