Automation is a software application to assist building level librarians with the management of the library catalog, circulation, material and patron activity, as well the production of a variety of reports and statistics. Automation is not just a tool to modernize the job of the librarian; it is a tool that provides greater access to the library’s collection for students, staff, and parents. Physical access to the library collection is a prerequisite to equitable and intellectual access.
One of the first benchmarks of the Empire State Information Fluency Continuum is for students to independently locate books on a shelf in a library using a catalog. The universal standard in 21st century for libraries is a web-based catalog. This means that students who have not had an opportunity to use an automated catalog regularly to locate resources will be at a disadvantage. Card catalogs are obsolete.
The Destiny LibGuide will help you with basic questions and features in the Destiny Library Automation System including cataloging, running reports, integrating eBooks, lesson plans for teaching student access, using Follett Remote, embedding a Destiny Search Box into a LibGuide, and developing a robust Destiny Homepage. There is also a training schedule and manuals available.
If your school does not have the Destiny Library Catalog, and the books are not barcoded, please fill out this grant to apply for our office to help with this process! MyLibrayNYC Automation Grant
MyLibraryNYC is an innovative partnership between the New York City Public Schools and the City’s three public library systems—Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library, and Queens Public Library. The program supports classroom instruction, independent reading, and student achievement by providing educators and students with direct access to the millions of books and other resources available at the library. Launched in 2011, the program now includes more than 500 public schools across the five boroughs.