To locate your budget:
How do I know if my budget is correct?
The minimum school library budget is based on the state formula of $6.25 per student recorded on your school’s register (via the Basic Education Data System (BEDS form) as of October 31 of the previous year. So if your student population is 500, your budget would be $3125.00 (500 x $6.25).
Instructional Materials Aid
The formulas for Textbook, Library Materials, Computer Software and Computer Hardware Aids remain unchanged, but the enacted budget provides districts with new flexibility in how expenses for those aids may be claimed. Under the new provisions, if a school district spends more than its maximum allocation in any one of the areas, the excess expense over the maximum allocation can be designated as expense for aid in one or more of the other categories, with the exception of Library Materials expense. The new provisions first apply to 2011-12 expenses for 2012-13 aids. Click below for more information:
2011-12 Amendments to Textbook, Software and Instructional Computer Hardware Aids Statutes