Inventions and New Technology is an interdisciplinary inquiry spanning all human history from the innovations of our neolithic ancestors to the unimagined frontiers of the 21st century. It documents the growth of technology, the ideas and innovations that have improved human existence from the earliest tools of hunting and agriculture; through the great contributions of the early civilizations; to the industrial revolution with its consequences of good and evil; to the modern, postindustrial world of emerging technologies.
Research can follow the development of a particular invention; or life and work of an individual inventor. Or exploration of the innovations of a particular era or culture or development of an aspect of technology (Ex: transportation over time.) Another approach is examining the scientific principles involved in the invention or technology. The sociological aspects of inventions and how they affect and change society is also in the scope of the collection.
Margaret Borger, Curator
Ph: 718-831-4000x2312
Please contact the curator if you wish to inquire about this collection.